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Soul Directed Energy Healing

First Time: 90 mins/ $120

Repeat Sessions: 60 mins/ $80


First Time Session- 90 mins/  $120

I will connect with your Soul, who will become my guide for your session. Your Soul and also your present guides/guardians/loved ones who are present will assist us in detecting areas of focus where healing may be needed and helpful for you at this current time.

We will spend the first 30-45 mins assessing your energy field.  I will provide you with an aura scan drawing, full color, that I will do using my trained Intuitive abilities.  You will be able to take this home with you to keep.


I will also diagnose the spin and healthiness of your chakras using a small wooden dowsing pendulum- a very effective, accurate, and non-invasive tool. This will give us clarity about any blockages or patterns that need to be dealt with for health and happiness.

For the last 30-45 mins, we will work on your energy field on the massage table (you will remain fully clothed).  I will use touch, sound (my voice) and guided visualization with you to assist you in opening energy blocks in your chakras/body.  

This is NOT a passive form of healing, where you lie there and drift off or meditate, you will be actively guided through the energy release. This release can be quite powerful emotionally or it can be gentle "aha" feelings, depending on what is most needed at this time- but it will ALWAYS be what is for your highest good.

It is recommended that you have at least an hour to rest afterwards for integration.  I do not recommend being around crowds for at least 24 hrs. after your session, because your field will be open and rebalancing itself.  Your own family and close friends are perfectly fine (as long as they don't cause you distress).  


Repeat Sessions- 60 mins/ $80

For repeat clients: We will spend a few minutes "tuning in" to your current energy field and life circumstances and choose a focus intention together.  We will then work with your energy bodies on the massage table (fully clothed) using Soul Directed Guidance, Gentle Touch, and Sound to clear and balance the energies of your body. ( I am trained to allow my angels to use my voice as a healing tool to shift blocked energies in the body) 

This can be a powerful energy shifting experience and can evoke deep emotional clearing and "aha" moments of soul understanding for you- so it is recommended that you have at least an hour to rest afterwards for integration.  I do not recommend being around crowds for at least 24 hrs. after your session because your field will be open and rebalancing itself.  Your own family and close friends are perfectly fine (as long as they don't cause you distress).  


Get in Touch

If you have any questions, please contact me at:

© 2024 Rev Martina Schmidt

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